How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat - The Answer Lies In Understanding Body Metabolism

How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Study published in Archives of Internal Medicine. A study published in Archives of Internal Medicine showed that women who consumed more calories had lower levels of cortisol than those who ate less calories. Cortisol is an important hormone that control the appetite, the amount of fat storage and helps maintain a stable blood sugar level. In this case the hormone was found to be overactive in overweight or obese women. So, this can help shed some light on how to lose stubborn belly fat.

What exactly was tested? Three hundred and fifty women participated in a study conducted by investigators from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. They followed a customized low-calorie diet for four weeks. Three months later the study conducted found that those who adhered to the diet had a significant weight loss. However, the group that adhered to the calorie-low diet also experienced a significant increase in their insulin resistance. And the study conducted at the University of Michigan showed that when the same group ate moderate, but calorie-rich foods they experienced no significant weight gain.

So, how does this fit into how to lose stubborn belly fat? Well the study conducted by the Marylanders showed that the over-consumption of calories lead to excessive insulin secretion and subsequently to weight gain. This means that if you consume more calories than your body requires everyday then your body will store those extra calories as fat. Now this is where all that good old exercise comes in handy! By engaging in moderate exercise, it is possible to curb the appetite to such an extent that you do not incur excessive calories and hence lose weight.

This brings us to the second part of the study published by Archives of Internal Medicine. It shows that when the subjects who adhered to the low calorie diet also engaged in moderate exercise they exhibited significant weight loss. But they gained the most weight when they engaged in extreme cardio exercises like aerobics and even mountain climbing! They did however remain healthy and their metabolic rate stayed high. The metabolic rate is basically the rate at which we expend energy. And when the rate of expenditure exceeds the rate of energy production, then metabolic rate is negatively affected and weight gain ensues.

This is exactly what the dieter has to do in order to lose stubborn belly fat! How to lose stubborn belly fat can only be taught through constant discipline of oneself. Sticking to the diet till it is completed is not a bad idea after all. But to ensure that the diet is followed up with active workouts the dietary guidelines need to be seriously scrutinized. Hence, asking the advice of a professional trainer is a must. This is not at all a sign of weakness in a person; it is rather an indication of commitment and dedication to one's fitness goals.

When we ask the question how to lose stubborn belly fat, the answer lies in the implementation of a workout program that is intense enough to have a profound impact on the body's metabolic rate. There are many people who indulge in aerobic exercises but they end up facing failure because the exercises are not of a sufficient intensity. It is therefore important for a workout program to be designed by competent and experienced coaches so that proper intensity can be maintained. If you want to know how to lose stubborn belly fat, then the answer lies in learning how to properly execute a well designed and practiced workout plan.

This is the only way to get to the root of the problem and put it on hold. Once you succeed in doing so, the next step to learn how to lose stubborn belly fat is to make a lifestyle change. In other words, the belly fat has to be reversed and the lifestyle has to be changed so that the same fat is never again going to accumulate in the abdominal area. A change in lifestyle means a drastic reduction in caloric intake and increased physical activity. In other words, the metabolic rate has to be increased so that the fat deposits are not again going to accumulate.

In the end, all these things have to be practiced over a period of time so that the effect is felt permanently. To learn how to lose stubborn belly fat, you have to make sure that you do not rush things. Take it slow and steady. Learn how to exercise properly and how to incorporate a workout plan into your daily routine. Only after such a system is put to work, you will be able to understand how to lose stubborn belly fat.


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