How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat - 3 Tips to Get You Started

How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat With Exercise by Dr. Laura Blau is a great guide for losing stomach fat. This study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology clearly explains that when it comes to losing belly fat, exercise will help you more than diet alone. The reason for this is that belly fat cells actually store more calories when they are active. In fact, they expand in size when they are actively being used. This is the problem that most people running back and forth to the gym have.

Dr. Blau's study conducted at the University of Miami backs up this claim. In this study conducted, test subjects who took part in a weight loss program had significantly less belly fat after 4 months of doing so. Those test subjects who participated in a mindful eating plan also experienced significant weight gain reduction. So this is good news, right?

That's exactly how the study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology goes. The test subjects either ate a low-calorie diet or a high-calorie diet while taking part in an activity like walking, jogging or cycling. After the test was conducted, the participants were given a list of things that they had consumed during the day. It included the total number of calories that they had consumed. Surprisingly, the test subjects who took part in a mindful eating plan experienced significant weight gain reduction compared to those who did not partake in a similar exercise program.

This study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology goes on to explain that those who engaged in a mindful eating plan consumed significantly fewer calories than those who did not. The study further revealed that those who took part in a mindful eating plan not only consumed fewer calories but they burned off a higher percentage of these calories as compared to those who did not. This means that those who want to know how to lose stubborn belly fat will not only experience more weight loss than those who do not indulge in this practice, but they will also be burning calories at a much higher rate.

But how does one engage in such a mindful eating program? This can be accomplished by engaging in a regular exercise program. This way, you not only get a good workout, you also develop the discipline to maintain this type of weight loss program. However, this type of lifestyle is very demanding and not all people have the luxury of time or the money it takes to enroll in gym sessions. For those people, there is always the option of using the fitness equipment in your home or office.

You can use exercise equipment like the elliptical trainer or the treadmill to help you lose stubborn belly fat. These pieces of fitness equipment to allow you to burn calories even while you are not running or jogging. This makes it very convenient for anyone to go about their daily activities. In addition to that, these fitness machines allow one to target specific areas of the body, which is great since most people are not able to lose fat in all areas.

The key to how to lose stubborn belly fat lies in consistent, and continuous, application. Once you are able to develop the habit of keeping your abdominal muscles firm, then this fat will be burned off. Of course, you cannot expect to lose stubborn belly fat just by doing crunches on the floor every day. It takes a lot of will power and effort to keep your abdominal muscles firm. But if you are determined enough, then you can succeed in your goal to have a flat stomach.

Another effective method on how to lose stubborn belly fat is to make sure that you have a proper diet. This way, you can get rid of unhealthy foods that increase belly fat and eat healthier foods that can provide your body with essential nutrients. Eating more fruits and vegetables is a good way to get essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Remember that you need a balanced diet in order to stay healthy. In addition to that, it will also help you lose belly fat because you will have fewer calories to burn. When you combine all of these tips, you will definitely have the answer on how to lose stubborn belly fat.


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