Dr Luke Diet - Lower Belly Fat Through Exercise
Lower belly fat is probably one of the most difficult fat to lose on your body. The reason for this is that the fat cells that gather around your lower stomach are called visceral fat cells, which are also very resistant to diet and exercise. Even though you may desperately want to lose this lower belly fat, it's important to understand that you can't target weight loss to specific areas of your body. Instead, your overall health needs to be considered when trying to lose weight.

Many people go on extreme diets that include eliminating all carbs from their diet, completely starving themselves, and severely limiting their exercise routines in an effort to lose lower belly fat quickly. This is a mistake that can wreak havoc on your health and should be avoided. Losing weight is not about how much you eat or how often you do it. In order to really lose lower belly fat, you need to consider how your overall health condition relates to weight loss and begin to create an action plan that will help you reach your goals.
Your first step to fat reduction should be a complete overhaul of your diet that includes adding plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet, as well as plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates. It's important that you incorporate high intensity interval training into your daily routine if you want results. HIIT training (high intensity interval training) is a fat-reduction system that combines various exercises in a short burst to help you lose weight quicker than traditional cardio training. HIIT workouts provide excellent cardio workout benefits but have been shown to also lead to a much more rapid fat reduction rate than other forms of exercise.
Many people are skeptical of interval training because they view it as too intense for their own needs. The good thing is that with the right training program you can achieve high intensity bursts to get results. And because your body is burning fat cells all day long, the end result is fast, sustainable fat loss from your stomach area and throughout the entire body. When you combine this kind of rapid feedback training with lots of physical activity, you'll find that you not only lose lower stomach fat quickly, but you can keep it off for a long time.
If you want to build muscle as well as burn fat, there are two things you must do. First, you must eat a lot more calories than your body requires to function properly and maintain its healthy state. The second thing you can do is take a high quality multivitamin that includes lots of fiber and complex carbohydrates and consume it at every meal. The best multi vitamins are those that provide a high percentage of dietary fiber as well as include complex carbohydrates so that your energy levels are stable and consistent.
In addition to helping you lose excess fat, these kinds of multivitamins can help to reduce your feelings of stress. Stress can actually contribute to fat storage in your body just by making you feel bad. By eating a diet that is high in high protein and high fiber, you can better feel confident and less stressed, which can also lead to faster fat loss.
Another way you can use these vitamins and nutrients to lose weight is to exercise regularly. The more physical activity you perform, the more calories you will burn. Of course, you also need to eat right if you want to lose weight and remain in good health. Just by changing your calorie intake and switching to an effective exercise routine you can lose a ton of weight quickly. The best part is you will keep the weight off permanently once you reach your goal weight.
So what kind of exercise should you be doing to lose weight fast? Well, the best exercise for burning calories is HIIT or High intensity training. HIIT is designed specifically for people who are looking to lose significant amounts of weight in a short period of time. By working as hard as you can, you work several muscles at one time, which burns more calories and results in an overall higher metabolic rate. The best HIIT workouts are found on the internet, so make sure to do some research before you begin any program.
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